How to Network to Find a Job in the Northern Netherlands – Marjolein Wiersma

Work-Dome – Woensdag 8 november 16:00-16:45

When you don’t know many companies in the Northern Netherlands, finding one for your first or next job seems an impossible task! Make it in the is here to help you out.

We’ll discuss first and foremost why networking is so important in the Netherlands, and how to do it so you can immediately put your skills to action during the Promotiedagen. We’ll also tell you how to find companies that hire English speakers, and how to find or make a job with those companies.

Further topics included: presenting yourself on the Dutch jobmarket, and quick tips and tricks for CV and cover letters, also for open applications!

Click the button below for more information about make it in the North at the Promotiedagen and sign up for the activities!

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